2 of them can be found while exploring in the factory, perhaps some words written that seem out of place? but they aren't a big deal if you don't find them, there's not additional content by using them so you aren't really missing out on anything! I appreciate you trying this out tho!
hi I've been playing for probably over a year now and I really like your game
I follow every update and often come to check if you have added anything new
I live in Russia and I can’t buy a subscription from you to see more content, but I really want to because I’ve probably already done everything that could be done, I’ve found and encrypted passwords more than once and completed the game several times, forgive me for my English, I’m writing this text through a translator, please tell me how to use the cassette. when I find it it says that I can use it on the ship but I can’t do it
Я очень ценю, что вы все это набрали и играли в игру много раз, спасибо! Это все, что я могу просить от игрока! Мне очень жаль, что я не запрограммировал кассету, я сделаю это для обновления в следующем месяце. Так что вы ничего не пропустили, это моя вина, вы еще не можете использовать кассету, извините, я постоянно забываю это исправить, но она будет доступна в следующем месяце!
unable to play the game on browser almost entirely, the game starts but the begin button does not work, only plays audio of a cahracter saying they dont feel good and music playing
ah i will double check, i think it works for me on browser, to the left does the restart button in the collapsed menu work ? also what browser u using ?
i dont know if refreshing the browser cache would work but it might but if you dont want to try that i uploaded the game to the playtest page that i keep for it, feel free to try it there, if it asks for a password try: clue
that ending is random 20% chance ! also the tape is still not programmed into the game yet, thanks for the reminder, i'll fix that in the March update ! Thank you for playing the game and commenting !
Hi! Glad to see you're continuing to improve the game. I found a very unusual way to play through it. You need to buy a teleporter and vitamins, then teleport to the factory, eat the vitamins, and return to the ship with the teleporter to buy a new batch of vitamins—repeating the cycle. This basically makes you immortal. I wouldn't want you to fix this since it helps explore new content quickly and do whatever you want. Maybe you could even think about making this process easier. ;)
Also, I found a bug—it's impossible to die outside because of stamina and sanity, which can even go into negative values.
One more thing: how many monsters do you plan to add in the final version of the game? In my opinion, they're the most interesting part of the content.
Hello, thanks for continuing to play as well as comment!
hmmm...teleporter x vitamins, that seems like an amazing little hack you discovered there! great find! & i wouldn't think of changing that at all it seems very helpful! though cumbersome or annoying to keep doing that has to stay! (I am adding a password system to this game and in the next update there's a money boost and a stat boost available to be found in the factory)
the outside monsters were strange to me to add - i wanted the player to make it to the factory and not die to the outside monsters and travel so i purposely made it so the player could not die outside ( tho when you hit the factory you could die as soon as you stop in ) If i wanted to be thorough i would overhaul the outside code but i may just make the deaths stay in the factory, thanks for noticing that as well !
I'm not sure how many monsters i will have by the end, i want to work on other games but as this game is further along its easy to add them into this game instead of working on other games. I have a new monster type planned for the next update but no definite total number in sight. Working on a Bracken/Demogorgon style one for this month's update.
Nice and hey can the mattress have a sex scene where a Clown Doll drags the Girls inside the Mattress to fuck Them or the Mattress is on a Bedframe and They get dragged under the bed and be fucked by the Clown Doll please.
sorry that's a bit more involved, and i dont really have the time to devote to larger animations for this but if i do maybe a few months down the road, keep an eye out
i should ask how many times did it happen?, i just played on 5 day with Dani and sold the quota ok then on 3 day got caught as Casey then sold the quota ok as grace, so i think maybe you just got a bit unlucky there unfortunately.
i can check further if you tell me if it with a certain char or on 3 or 5 day or any other particulars i can try it further, i will say it's a 1/5 chance to get caught by tentacles
not weird to me, i didnt have any plans to do much more with it beyond updating the images as i keep getting ideas for new games i want to create as well as animations. I do appreciate the suggestion that does sound interesting and i appreciate people like you playing this it means alot that you even opened the game to give it a try !
Yo will there a random mode like not a story mode but a mode where we play and everything is random but we can do whatever we wanna with our character?
please add two possible answers in the long ending. that this director pulls a gun out from under the table and starts threatening them.If you choose an option where they don't knock out his weapon, he makes them fuck with him.I BEG,PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
ah my apologies, i played it so much and know how its built so i forget it might be difficult for others! I'll light up on the enemy occurrences slightly by the next update.
that was enjoyable to watch, thanks for trying and sharing it, i got a laugh watching you laugh ! definitely fun seeing the humor and absurdity come across and how others react to it !
I found that I had, after winning, the game resetting and clearing progress - so that should be changed now so that the images and animations unlocked should not clear after beating the game, my apologies
Is there a way to save progress from just closing the game and coming back? (in terms of the entries) Also I forgot to mention this before but hitting the restart button causes the game to crash and of course progress being lost (I'm on mac).
ah unfortunately i havent had the chance to test it on a mac and havent yet learn to code save games but it's on my to do list...eventually
The tape bit is still in process also, i had alluded to making that accessible a while back but it got lost in the mix (not in the game currently) thanks for the reminder i'll address that in the Dec update.
ah the reset/restart is meant to return the player to the beginning of the game and clear the info to start fresh but there should not be a crash effect, i can research what this type of game looks like on Mac
you've given me things to research thanks hopefully i can make the game more robust (code it properly) for other browsers and operating systems because im clearly missing things in my clunky was of game developing, and thanks for reaching out and trying this!
Thanks, despite any of that, I like this game a lot. There's a of heart in it and it really stands out to me from other games. Good concept and good design, I keep coming back even though I've seen everything that's currently in the game.
i appreciate those words. It's a strange little game and i enjoyed learning to code and animate by creating it. thank you for enjoying it so much Planning another update by Christmas, fingers crossed
I was curious if you can point me to a game (preferably made in twine) that uses a save system that works for your browser so i can learn more
also have you tried playing this on mobile? im curious if you experience the same issues of the unlocked imaged resetting when playing on a phone? Today i learned that the browsers may be clearing the cache / cookies or something and that may be adjustable in the settings, but im still investigating that and making a save/load option in the game
hey there i do have a twitter but not a discord yet - not really focusing on this update currently just don't have the time or money to prioritize but i appreciate people enjoying it, thanks
I know this might break the game but have you considered adding a back button to redo or refresh encounters? Some players might be turned off by how hard or unfair some encounters can get.
this was done in twine harlowe, actually has a forward and back button built in and i removed it i guess i wanted it to be more difficult when i made it but i'm not used to making games - if games like this should be easier and more for pleasure than frustration? I'll say im happy with the number that has tried it so far so if others pass it by that's fine by me, i dont want to frustrate them but i also dont want to focus on this one game and i'm happy players like you found it and commented !
This game is a lot of fun. It's true to the source material but lewd enough to be fun and hot. If you don't mind a few suggestions, I have some to share.
1: The mask item. Perhaps after you pick it up, you start to insanity before getting forced to wear the mask and fall victim to it. The girl wearing the mask becomes an enemy who either fucks the next girl or drags her to a monster
2: Chest menu to play the game without worry. Something similar to the ghost hunter (you can find the game on gamcore).
3: Maybe more maps like the desert or the mansion.
thanks for the kind words, i don't know much about lethal company beyond watching a few streamers play it but i loved what i saw of others having fun and thought i wonder if i can make a story/game lewd version ! and I appreciate you and others enjoying and trying it !
I definitely remember envisioning the mansion level early on in this but all your other ideas are new to me thanks for sharing those !
Glad I could help and You know the Fake Doors that Mod People have put in the game They also get added in and Tentacles grab the Girls and drag Them in and breed Them then the Eyeless Dogs Doggystyle the Girls and the Nutcrackers They turn the Girls into Their Cocks fucking Them and the Ghost Girl drags Them in a Dark Room and fucks Them with a Strap-On.
Thank You can't wait to see these Monsters show up and I got an idea for a New Scrap Item a Black Latex Mimic Hazmat Suit and If You put it on You already lose and it breeds The Girls.
hey is the walkthrough done yet and also what if there is a cutscene during a forest where the girl are losing her suit and the helmet begins to be raped by the monster completely naked and what if the good final ending at the outside when the character defeats the monsters it looks peaceful and the final image has the girl taking off her suit and helmet and walks off naked into the forest.
thanks for trying the game! I still haven't gotten around to a walkthrough or preview video, there's just not much time for me these days to put more into these games. If it's important to players, I can work on that in the coming months! those are some good what if's, thanks for the suggestions, perhaps down the line i can incorporate them as well !
I see, well let us hope you can make a walkthrough and maybe a cheat for a game someday so I can see a good ending of the game where the female character survived and yeah i am glad you like my suggested ending where the female protagonist survived went outside to the forest and take off her suit to walk naked to be free and i hope it will one day be real someday.
thanks, also i can say making these games gets to be easy if you want to learn and there's a game you want to see the best and most fun way to realize it as try to make it for yourself!
Hi, loved your game and the concept. I believe there is a ton of potential with scenes, like watching what happens to partners if you don’t help them or sacrifice them, or the pumpkin patch. The items that can be used for a scene can be further expanded imo.
You draw your female anatomy really well. I really like the bee, big green monster and the Sybian bit. Play this game “misadventure.itch.io” and “tentacles thrive” and lemme know your thoughts. I feel they are at least on par with the anticipation and pay off in your game.
Once again, you are really talented and thanks. Wish you all the best for your future
appreciate the kind words. I plan to keep adding to the game not sure where i want to take it but thanks for sharing your ideas for it !
ive tried 'misadventure' (my comment is actually the one under yours) it looks great i just don't have the time to click around and figure it out also thanks for suggesting 'tentacles thrive' looks really good too! but also lots of clicking and reading i couldn't really take the time figure it out. I don't really play games as much especially if it take a bit to get into them. But i can tell those are really well made!
agreed, the clicking around with lots of text doesn’t work as anticipation, gets weary and boring. Which is why your choice to make it interactive fiction with animated outcomes makes it fun and unexpected of what will happen next.
I just checked the scenes online for tentacles thrive and seems like a great bit of work went into all of the animation, your style is essentially what reminded me of it, same for misadventure (though I was lucky to come across the comment sections first and saved time clicking through)
Thanks for replying. Again, great concept. Looking forward to the future updates!
Hey there sneaky! I just recently finished playing through your project. I have to say I love it and it really does have great potential. I am not sure what your long term plans are for it, but If your willing I'd love to help out with development. I have a few hard skills for game development that I have from working with other creators on NSFW games like tales of androgyny. I'd really like to see this game live up to its full potential and of course I'd help for free game development is more of a hobby for me and it keeps me busy. Well if you want the help do let me know I'd love to work with ya
Appreciate you! Incredibly generous also, i just planned to make short little games but this one ballooned. Now i don't even know what the potential is : ) of this game. I'll keep this offer in mind !
Sounds good man you can add me on discord and let me know toasty5972. I got some skills with Writing, SFX, Music, Art, Coding, Level Design, and Art updating.
I got into game development about 4 years ago when I basically begged the creators of tales of androgyny to let me help them in return if they would teach me skills I didn't know. I worked with them for 2 years doing art and writing and sound track creation. Then went off and helped out on spooky milk life and did writing and bug testing with them for about a year. This past year I was doing coding and art updating for size me up. Now just recently I started doing SFX for a new game its a NSFW half life parody, but I don't do much on it so I'm looking for a project that takes up more time. I never really had time to do my own thing, but its how i prefer it I fall in love with a new project and want to help it out as best I can and watch it grow.
"Looks like you are more interesting than the scrap, Danielle." WHAT?! I just got 200 scraps for the first time so why are you doing this to me! 🤬🤬🤬😭😭😭
Every f*cking time, when I want to sell the final quote, that f*cking son of a b*tch kill me. I swear by God if he kill me f*cking one more time I throw my f*cking phone out the window.🤬
you mean the clue demo i posted? sorry i removed that as i reworked it and am working on the full more complete version that was meant to stay up but i kept finding more bugs as it had little playtesting done at the time. (also, I didnt think anyone was playing it lul) i will be rereleasing it when its more complete.
if you wanted to try it as it is now, its a think im working on through patreon reword letting people play my unfinished games and games as i work on them before they are polished or complete but i could repost it and give you access to play it early since you are a fan of my works, let me know.
but if you mean the game i promised back in april that's still on the backburner unfortunately it's taken a back seat for the time being but i will finish it eventually!
Hi i really like your game I'm happy It even works with mobile touchscreen. Animation and decision making is also good. I would like if you continued updating this game. Or make new game something like this
haha! im still here sorry the updates arent coming as fast as i'd like and i keep getting distracted with life making other art, making money watching youtube, playing with Ai, life is so distracting but im here, i'll be back on my new game and an update for this one im just not sure when but your post and the follows from others brings me back and reminds me people like my output !
Now that I know i cam make blog posts on here without tying them to the unfinished game that i don't want people to see before its half decent, i can update anyone interested more often.
oh sorry, i do update the game with small improvements occasionally, yesterday or 2 days ago someone noted a bug, but i dont keep doing a change log. not sure if i should, im new to this, but its wasnt a significant change. i did add a minor animation 3 days ago(below). im not sure if you can turn off notifications? but feel free to unfollow i wont be disappointed especially because i know how annoying notifications can be.
i don't know that one - but if you can't find the perfect game for you then you should make it ! games can be easy to make and fun once you learn the coding system/engine you like and hiring an artist or using ai art you can even make something that you enjoy playing others might enjoy it to!
appreciate the reply, it got stalled, its basically built and playable except for all the art is wireframe loose sketches. i got bored with it for a time and had a birthday and been just doing other things unfortunately and i planned it to be done last week but just dropped the ball.
thanks for the reminder ! i do want to finish it and not be a deadbeat - will be working on it this weekend but i will also need playtesters and critiques i just don't know how to source them maybe i release a demo for feedback and the full game afterward (sorry i was thinking out loud)
thanks for the interest and keeping me from falling asleep on it
Hello I like your game really much! Can you please give me a hint how to find the last selfie and ending N 4. Also I wanted to ask are you planning to make more games like this because I think you have a talent. Looking forward for your next work!
Thanks for playing and I'm glad you like this project/game! I should be releasing a game/animation every month, be sure to follow me here to see what i create or on my patreon/subscribestar to play the games early as i develop them. I will be posting another game soon hopefully at the end of this month!
Sorry this game didn't really have a tutorial or explanation but you must be good at it because ending 4 only happens when you hint: 'are really bad at the game'. The last selfie can be seen when you try to turn in some scrap on day 1 or 2 without enough to meet the quota! It was a static image but thanks to you it is now animated !
Wow this is realy good news about new game! I also tried my worst but all I get are endings 1 and 2. Oh and I also whanted to say that voice acting is very good! Is it actor's or your voice? This whispers sounds reeeeealy hot 🔥
Oh, this is realy strange because game don't end when I lose all characters. Game just asks me if I whant to continue or restart. When I press continue I can't choose anybody but I still can press continue. After that I'm again on the ship and after I enter the factory I instantly lose. And loop repeats again. I think it is a bug.
my apologies!!! I had forgotten that I updated the character select screen in my last update and forgot to replace the line of code for ending 4 ! it's back in there now, thank you for bringing that to my attention!
you can go through it faster by buying the walkie for each character and investigating the monsters, thanks for the heads up!
Hey I really like the game, let me know when another update comes out please, and hopefully animation and maybe a character specifically to seduce monsters?
Thank you for playing this! please give a follow to be kept updated on changes via the development logs above. I hope to have an update this weekend with more animations!
Heyooo I'm back about to play the new update, hey quick question. Could you add a character that seduces monsters? Also a few status bars would be amazing, thank you have a wonderful week
appreciate you returning to try it ! I dont think i'll be adding to much more to the game, code wise - i think it was a test to see if i could and how i would make a game like this but im more of an artist than a coder and i think im ready to move to another project so this might just get cosmetic updates from here on out if any. I appreciate the ideas and maybe i'll be able to add them to a future project in the beginning of development.
Aww that's upsetting to hear, but hey can't really complain if your heart's not in it then you'll only produce half good content *cough Bethesda cough* keep doing what you truly enjoy doing. And I'll make sure to follow you for any more content, I'm excited and maybe I can offer suggestions for future projects : )
I want to thank you, I was unable to utilize the walkie talkie until now. So i activated it to be able to (single use) find loot or take the player through endlessly 'attracting monsters' essentially by doing nothing its an endless loop of interacting with the 6 monsters until you decide to sacrifice that character. Now each char starts with cash to buy a walkie, key or flashlight. thanks!
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I still can not find the password. Can you give me a hint or something like that, please ?
2 of them can be found while exploring in the factory, perhaps some words written that seem out of place?
but they aren't a big deal if you don't find them, there's not additional content by using them so you aren't really missing out on anything! I appreciate you trying this out tho!
Btw, you made a masterpiece, fire game.
that's high praise, thanks!
to me its weird, offensive and clunky but i love making it and i'm glad people enjoy trying it !
тебе явно надо уменьшить шанс захвата тентаклями при продаже скрапа. я уже 8й ран не могу продать вещи
its not clear to me, are you not able to see at all? or just getting unlucky?
hi I've been playing for probably over a year now and I really like your game
I follow every update and often come to check if you have added anything new
I live in Russia and I can’t buy a subscription from you to see more content, but I really want to because I’ve probably already done everything that could be done, I’ve found and encrypted passwords more than once and completed the game several times, forgive me for my English, I’m writing this text through a translator, please tell me how to use the cassette. when I find it it says that I can use it on the ship but I can’t do it
Я очень ценю, что вы все это набрали и играли в игру много раз, спасибо! Это все, что я могу просить от игрока! Мне очень жаль, что я не запрограммировал кассету, я сделаю это для обновления в следующем месяце. Так что вы ничего не пропустили, это моя вина, вы еще не можете использовать кассету, извините, я постоянно забываю это исправить, но она будет доступна в следующем месяце!
thanks for the answer
the tape can now be used in the ship
unable to play the game on browser almost entirely, the game starts but the begin button does not work, only plays audio of a cahracter saying they dont feel good and music playing
ah i will double check, i think it works for me on browser, to the left does the restart button in the collapsed menu work ? also what browser u using ?
I am using firefox,the restart button says there is an issue with the websites script
i dont know if refreshing the browser cache would work but it might but if you dont want to try that i uploaded the game to the playtest page that i keep for it, feel free to try it there, if it asks for a password try: clue
most things from itch don't work on firefox try chrome
I'm sure patreon/subscribe star supporters have access, but I think if you search the game there may be a couple hidden in the factory.
that password looks...incorrect
don't worry i know the real one
then you are indeed theman !
you are the first person in 7 years to make a remark about the ''theman'' part.
believe it or not that is the name i use in my everyday life
Can You tell Me the real password is?
that would be cheating, sorry
I just want the password so I can cheat at the game I love cheating in single player games.
new challenge?
you mean something new to do in the game besides collecting scrap ?
What does the "Looks like you are more interesting than the scrap" ending depend on? Or is it just random?
Btw how to use tape in the ship?
that ending is random 20% chance ! also the tape is still not programmed into the game yet, thanks for the reminder, i'll fix that in the March update ! Thank you for playing the game and commenting !
the tape works now
Hi! Glad to see you're continuing to improve the game. I found a very unusual way to play through it. You need to buy a teleporter and vitamins, then teleport to the factory, eat the vitamins, and return to the ship with the teleporter to buy a new batch of vitamins—repeating the cycle. This basically makes you immortal. I wouldn't want you to fix this since it helps explore new content quickly and do whatever you want. Maybe you could even think about making this process easier. ;)
Also, I found a bug—it's impossible to die outside because of stamina and sanity, which can even go into negative values.
One more thing: how many monsters do you plan to add in the final version of the game? In my opinion, they're the most interesting part of the content.
Good luck with the game!
Hello, thanks for continuing to play as well as comment!
hmmm...teleporter x vitamins, that seems like an amazing little hack you discovered there! great find! & i wouldn't think of changing that at all it seems very helpful! though cumbersome or annoying to keep doing that has to stay! (I am adding a password system to this game and in the next update there's a money boost and a stat boost available to be found in the factory)
the outside monsters were strange to me to add - i wanted the player to make it to the factory and not die to the outside monsters and travel so i purposely made it so the player could not die outside ( tho when you hit the factory you could die as soon as you stop in ) If i wanted to be thorough i would overhaul the outside code but i may just make the deaths stay in the factory, thanks for noticing that as well !
I'm not sure how many monsters i will have by the end, i want to work on other games but as this game is further along its easy to add them into this game instead of working on other games. I have a new monster type planned for the next update but no definite total number in sight. Working on a Bracken/Demogorgon style one for this month's update.
thanks for this cool comment !
I wish there is a cheat for unlimited sanity stamina and strength.
its interesting i think i'll add that for the next update ! thanks
Nice and hey can the mattress have a sex scene where a Clown Doll drags the Girls inside the Mattress to fuck Them or the Mattress is on a Bedframe and They get dragged under the bed and be fucked by the Clown Doll please.
sorry that's a bit more involved, and i dont really have the time to devote to larger animations for this but if i do maybe a few months down the road, keep an eye out
The client keeps grabbing me. I have the quota, I ring the bell once, and he grabs me.
What am I doing wrong?
this is ironic minutes ago i was just looking at who mentioned the mask char months ago and it was you!
sorry maybe there is a bug in the game, thanks for telling me, i'll investigate
i should ask how many times did it happen?, i just played on 5 day with Dani and sold the quota ok then on 3 day got caught as Casey then sold the quota ok as grace, so i think maybe you just got a bit unlucky there unfortunately.
i can check further if you tell me if it with a certain char or on 3 or 5 day or any other particulars i can try it further, i will say it's a 1/5 chance to get caught by tentacles
save exporting system?
sorry, im new to this you mean saving your progress? but exporting what, im not sure, the game file ?
like making it so you can download the save file to your computer/device.
oh instead of playing in the browser?
i debated doing it i wasn't sure what the benefits would be for the player?
no i mean to add a save exporting system to have a backup save on your device
oh sorry for my confusion, unfortunately it's more coding than i want to learn at the moment so it probably wont be added unfortunately,
i think others have asked and its beyond what i wanted to do for this game idea, thanks for trying the game though !
It might be weird what im aboit to say; But do you have any plans to add male characters and a endless world with options like fuck the monsters?
not weird to me, i didnt have any plans to do much more with it beyond updating the images as i keep getting ideas for new games i want to create as well as animations. I do appreciate the suggestion that does sound interesting and i appreciate people like you playing this it means alot that you even opened the game to give it a try !
Yo will there a random mode like not a story mode but a mode where we play and everything is random but we can do whatever we wanna with our character?
that's hella interesting ! haven't even considered that was possible, thanks for sharing that idea
Your welcome for the idea and if you can't do it it's fine
please add two possible answers in the long ending. that this director pulls a gun out from under the table and starts threatening them.If you choose an option where they don't knock out his weapon, he makes them fuck with him.I BEG,PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
thanks for playing & congrats on making it to the ending ! that alone bumps this suggest up a few lines on my list !
300 is tough
ah my apologies, i played it so much and know how its built so i forget it might be difficult for others! I'll light up on the enemy occurrences slightly by the next update.
if i can give advice - Hannah is best girl ?!
Definitely I interesting spin on the Lethal Company trope, hope this continues to grow & include more content. All the best 👍
that was enjoyable to watch, thanks for trying and sharing it, i got a laugh watching you laugh ! definitely fun seeing the humor and absurdity come across and how others react to it !
Sup can i ask what will new monsters look like?
thanks for asking, i hope to release an update this month and again by Christmas,
but i shouldn't hope to spoil any details yet, thanks for enjoying this game idea!
I wish there was a way to save your progress with the bestiary, endings, and selfies
if i learn to code more i could probably put that in, i'll look into it, i want to update it maybe by chrismas fingers crossed, thanks for playin
I found that I had, after winning, the game resetting and clearing progress - so that should be changed now so that the images and animations unlocked should not clear after beating the game, my apologies
Is there a way to save progress from just closing the game and coming back? (in terms of the entries) Also I forgot to mention this before but hitting the restart button causes the game to crash and of course progress being lost (I'm on mac).
Also how do I use the tape on the ship?
ah unfortunately i havent had the chance to test it on a mac and havent yet learn to code save games but it's on my to do list...eventually
The tape bit is still in process also, i had alluded to making that accessible a while back but it got lost in the mix (not in the game currently)
thanks for the reminder i'll address that in the Dec update.
ah the reset/restart is meant to return the player to the beginning of the game and clear the info to start fresh but there should not be a crash effect, i can research what this type of game looks like on Mac
you've given me things to research thanks hopefully i can make the game more robust (code it properly) for other browsers and operating systems because im clearly missing things in my clunky was of game developing, and thanks for reaching out and trying this!
Thanks, despite any of that, I like this game a lot. There's a of heart in it and it really stands out to me from other games. Good concept and good design, I keep coming back even though I've seen everything that's currently in the game.
i appreciate those words. It's a strange little game and i enjoyed learning to code and animate by creating it. thank you for enjoying it so much
Planning another update by Christmas, fingers crossed
I was curious if you can point me to a game (preferably made in twine) that uses a save system that works for your browser so i can learn more
also have you tried playing this on mobile? im curious if you experience the same issues of the unlocked imaged resetting when playing on a phone? Today i learned that the browsers may be clearing the cache / cookies or something and that may be adjustable in the settings, but im still investigating that and making a save/load option in the game
the tape part works now, sorry for the delay
Thanks Ill check it out!
Is the next update in production? Also, do you have a social media like a Twitter or a discord?
hey there i do have a twitter but not a discord yet - not really focusing on this update currently just don't have the time or money to prioritize but i appreciate people enjoying it, thanks
Anytime. I really enjoy this game and I hope to see the next update. Take your time and enjoy yourself
i do have a discord made now, i can't say i'll update it often but it is there now, thanks for asking.
I know this might break the game but have you considered adding a back button to redo or refresh encounters? Some players might be turned off by how hard or unfair some encounters can get.
thank you for coming back to play it again
this was done in twine harlowe, actually has a forward and back button built in and i removed it i guess i wanted it to be more difficult when i made it but i'm not used to making games - if games like this should be easier and more for pleasure than frustration? I'll say im happy with the number that has tried it so far so if others pass it by that's fine by me, i dont want to frustrate them but i also dont want to focus on this one game and i'm happy players like you found it and commented !
What's new update
hey thanks for playin, the most recent changes are noted in the most recent post !
This is a really fun project and the animations really add to it, nice work!
appreciate that, thanks for trying it !
This game is a lot of fun. It's true to the source material but lewd enough to be fun and hot. If you don't mind a few suggestions, I have some to share.
1: The mask item. Perhaps after you pick it up, you start to insanity before getting forced to wear the mask and fall victim to it. The girl wearing the mask becomes an enemy who either fucks the next girl or drags her to a monster
2: Chest menu to play the game without worry. Something similar to the ghost hunter (you can find the game on gamcore).
3: Maybe more maps like the desert or the mansion.
thanks for the kind words, i don't know much about lethal company beyond watching a few streamers play it but i loved what i saw of others having fun and thought i wonder if i can make a story/game lewd version ! and I appreciate you and others enjoying and trying it !
I definitely remember envisioning the mansion level early on in this but all your other ideas are new to me thanks for sharing those !
Anytime. I'd love to play the next update when you post it.
I would love if the Jack In The Box when He shows up and He drags the Girls in His Box to fuck Them.
i hadn't even thought about that guy, fun idea !
Glad I could help and You know the Fake Doors that Mod People have put in the game They also get added in and Tentacles grab the Girls and drag Them in and breed Them then the Eyeless Dogs Doggystyle the Girls and the Nutcrackers They turn the Girls into Their Cocks fucking Them and the Ghost Girl drags Them in a Dark Room and fucks Them with a Strap-On.
ah the fake doors yeah i remember seeing those !
good ideas !
Thank You can't wait to see these Monsters show up and I got an idea for a New Scrap Item a Black Latex Mimic Hazmat Suit and If You put it on You already lose and it breeds The Girls.
that's amazing !
Will there be a mask monster thing?
I believe so ! my version of the coil-head joins the fun later today's update but in the coming months i'll figure out adding mask mimic thing!
thanks for trying the game !
hey is the walkthrough done yet and also what if there is a cutscene during a forest where the girl are losing her suit and the helmet begins to be raped by the monster completely naked and what if the good final ending at the outside when the character defeats the monsters it looks peaceful and the final image has the girl taking off her suit and helmet and walks off naked into the forest.
thanks for trying the game! I still haven't gotten around to a walkthrough or preview video, there's just not much time for me these days to put more into these games. If it's important to players, I can work on that in the coming months!
those are some good what if's, thanks for the suggestions, perhaps down the line i can incorporate them as well !
I see, well let us hope you can make a walkthrough and maybe a cheat for a game someday so I can see a good ending of the game where the female character survived and yeah i am glad you like my suggested ending where the female protagonist survived went outside to the forest and take off her suit to walk naked to be free and i hope it will one day be real someday.
thanks, also i can say making these games gets to be easy if you want to learn and there's a game you want to see the best and most fun way to realize it as try to make it for yourself!
Thank you for the suggestion, but I am busy with other things, so I will wait for my suggestion made by you someday in the near future.
Hi, loved your game and the concept. I believe there is a ton of potential with scenes, like watching what happens to partners if you don’t help them or sacrifice them, or the pumpkin patch. The items that can be used for a scene can be further expanded imo.
You draw your female anatomy really well. I really like the bee, big green monster and the Sybian bit.
Play this game “misadventure.itch.io” and “tentacles thrive” and lemme know your thoughts. I feel they are at least on par with the anticipation and pay off in your game.
Once again, you are really talented and thanks. Wish you all the best for your future
appreciate the kind words. I plan to keep adding to the game not sure where i want to take it but thanks for sharing your ideas for it !
ive tried 'misadventure' (my comment is actually the one under yours) it looks great i just don't have the time to click around and figure it out also thanks for suggesting 'tentacles thrive' looks really good too! but also lots of clicking and reading i couldn't really take the time figure it out. I don't really play games as much especially if it take a bit to get into them. But i can tell those are really well made!
agreed, the clicking around with lots of text doesn’t work as anticipation, gets weary and boring. Which is why your choice to make it interactive fiction with animated outcomes makes it fun and unexpected of what will happen next.
I just checked the scenes online for tentacles thrive and seems like a great bit of work went into all of the animation, your style is essentially what reminded me of it, same for misadventure (though I was lucky to come across the comment sections first and saved time clicking through)
Thanks for replying. Again, great concept. Looking forward to the future updates!
Hey there sneaky! I just recently finished playing through your project. I have to say I love it and it really does have great potential. I am not sure what your long term plans are for it, but If your willing I'd love to help out with development. I have a few hard skills for game development that I have from working with other creators on NSFW games like tales of androgyny. I'd really like to see this game live up to its full potential and of course I'd help for free game development is more of a hobby for me and it keeps me busy. Well if you want the help do let me know I'd love to work with ya
Appreciate you! Incredibly generous also, i just planned to make short little games but this one ballooned. Now i don't even know what the potential is : ) of this game. I'll keep this offer in mind !
Sounds good man you can add me on discord and let me know toasty5972. I got some skills with Writing, SFX, Music, Art, Coding, Level Design, and Art updating.
that's awesome, but you've never made your own games? you just prefer helping others?
I got into game development about 4 years ago when I basically begged the creators of tales of androgyny to let me help them in return if they would teach me skills I didn't know. I worked with them for 2 years doing art and writing and sound track creation. Then went off and helped out on spooky milk life and did writing and bug testing with them for about a year. This past year I was doing coding and art updating for size me up. Now just recently I started doing SFX for a new game its a NSFW half life parody, but I don't do much on it so I'm looking for a project that takes up more time. I never really had time to do my own thing, but its how i prefer it I fall in love with a new project and want to help it out as best I can and watch it grow.
Will the game have new monsters?
yessir, the game is getting monthly updates and monsters have been slowly been added, i can continue that until the ideas run out
"Looks like you are more interesting than the scrap, Danielle." WHAT?! I just got 200 scraps for the first time so why are you doing this to me! 🤬🤬🤬😭😭😭
thanks for playing the game !
Every f*cking time, when I want to sell the final quote, that f*cking son of a b*tch kill me. I swear by God if he kill me f*cking one more time I throw my f*cking phone out the window.🤬
as ive playtested this game so much i feel your pain brother !
...but not the phone!
Hey! Where is your new game? I almost completed it and wanted to make a little review
you mean the clue demo i posted? sorry i removed that as i reworked it and am working on the full more complete version that was meant to stay up but i kept finding more bugs as it had little playtesting done at the time. (also, I didnt think anyone was playing it lul) i will be rereleasing it when its more complete.
if you wanted to try it as it is now, its a think im working on through patreon reword letting people play my unfinished games and games as i work on them before they are polished or complete but i could repost it and give you access to play it early since you are a fan of my works, let me know.
but if you mean the game i promised back in april that's still on the backburner unfortunately it's taken a back seat for the time being but i will finish it eventually!
Love it, excited to see what you will create next -Kitty Kisses ;)
appreciate you! thanks for playing and rating !
(if you want to choose your own name let me know i can edit it in)
For those wondering... this game is quite good. Art especially. Play it.
appreciate you trying and reviewing it !
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Hi i really like your game I'm happy It even works with mobile touchscreen. Animation and decision making is also good. I would like if you continued updating this game. Or make new game something like this
I appreciate the kind words, your message got me back here developing, thank you !
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Good. You can work and when you have free time and wish you can update game.
yeah if possible try mobile friendly game. If not that’s okay no pressure
Hey! Are you still with us?
haha! im still here sorry the updates arent coming as fast as i'd like and i keep getting distracted with life making other art, making money watching youtube, playing with Ai, life is so distracting but im here, i'll be back on my new game and an update for this one im just not sure when but your post and the follows from others brings me back and reminds me people like my output !
Now that I know i cam make blog posts on here without tying them to the unfinished game that i don't want people to see before its half decent, i can update anyone interested more often.
still waiting and hoping🥲
I appreciate the kind words, your message got me back here developing, thank you !
Hey it keeps popping up on my feed claiming to have an update but the dev log doesn't change
oh sorry, i do update the game with small improvements occasionally, yesterday or 2 days ago someone noted a bug, but i dont keep doing a change log. not sure if i should, im new to this, but its wasnt a significant change. i did add a minor animation 3 days ago(below). im not sure if you can turn off notifications? but feel free to unfollow i wont be disappointed especially because i know how annoying notifications can be.
Oh no I was just curious, I have no intention of unfollowing, I love your art style and wish to await more games
appreciate you! working on one for the end of this month, its coming along slowly but it's coming along
A game I really enjoy but can't find any similar to it is Degrees of lewdity
i don't know that one - but if you can't find the perfect game for you then you should make it ! games can be easy to make and fun once you learn the coding system/engine you like and hiring an artist or using ai art you can even make something that you enjoy playing others might enjoy it to!
Hi! How is your new game? I can't wait to see it!
appreciate the reply, it got stalled, its basically built and playable except for all the art is wireframe loose sketches. i got bored with it for a time and had a birthday and been just doing other things unfortunately and i planned it to be done last week but just dropped the ball.
thanks for the reminder ! i do want to finish it and not be a deadbeat - will be working on it this weekend but i will also need playtesters and critiques i just don't know how to source them maybe i release a demo for feedback and the full game afterward (sorry i was thinking out loud)
thanks for the interest and keeping me from falling asleep on it
Hello I like your game really much! Can you please give me a hint how to find the last selfie and ending N 4. Also I wanted to ask are you planning to make more games like this because I think you have a talent. Looking forward for your next work!
Thanks for playing and I'm glad you like this project/game! I should be releasing a game/animation every month, be sure to follow me here to see what i create or on my patreon/subscribestar to play the games early as i develop them. I will be posting another game soon hopefully at the end of this month!
Sorry this game didn't really have a tutorial or explanation but you must be good at it because ending 4 only happens when you hint: 'are really bad at the game'. The last selfie can be seen when you try to turn in some scrap on day 1 or 2 without enough to meet the quota! It was a static image but thanks to you it is now animated !
Wow this is realy good news about new game! I also tried my worst but all I get are endings 1 and 2. Oh and I also whanted to say that voice acting is very good! Is it actor's or your voice? This whispers sounds reeeeealy hot 🔥
thanks for the compliments. and ending 4 happens when you lose all 4 characters !
Oh, this is realy strange because game don't end when I lose all characters. Game just asks me if I whant to continue or restart. When I press continue I can't choose anybody but I still can press continue. After that I'm again on the ship and after I enter the factory I instantly lose. And loop repeats again. I think it is a bug.
my apologies!!! I had forgotten that I updated the character select screen in my last update and forgot to replace the line of code for ending 4 ! it's back in there now, thank you for bringing that to my attention!
you can go through it faster by buying the walkie for each character and investigating the monsters, thanks for the heads up!
Hey I really like the game, let me know when another update comes out please, and hopefully animation and maybe a character specifically to seduce monsters?
Thank you for playing this! please give a follow to be kept updated on changes via the development logs above. I hope to have an update this weekend with more animations!
Heyooo I'm back about to play the new update, hey quick question. Could you add a character that seduces monsters? Also a few status bars would be amazing, thank you have a wonderful week
appreciate you returning to try it ! I dont think i'll be adding to much more to the game, code wise - i think it was a test to see if i could and how i would make a game like this but im more of an artist than a coder and i think im ready to move to another project so this might just get cosmetic updates from here on out if any. I appreciate the ideas and maybe i'll be able to add them to a future project in the beginning of development.
Aww that's upsetting to hear, but hey can't really complain if your heart's not in it then you'll only produce half good content *cough Bethesda cough* keep doing what you truly enjoy doing. And I'll make sure to follow you for any more content, I'm excited and maybe I can offer suggestions for future projects : )
I want to thank you, I was unable to utilize the walkie talkie until now. So i activated it to be able to (single use) find loot or take the player through endlessly 'attracting monsters' essentially by doing nothing its an endless loop of interacting with the 6 monsters until you decide to sacrifice that character. Now each char starts with cash to buy a walkie, key or flashlight. thanks!